Dear Church of the Open Bible,
Over the past five weeks, we’ve been tracing God’s incredible promise to redeem humanity. The promise starts small but grows in detail and wonder as we witness God’s faithful love throughout the ages. Here is where we’ve been so far:
1.0 - A Seed of Hope - Genesis 3:14-15
1.1 - The Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Genesis 49:8-12
1.2 - The Star & Scepter of Jacob - Numbers 24:5-19
2.0 - The Promised King - 2 Samuel 7:12-16
2.1 - The Sonship of the Messiah - Psalm 2
2.2 - The Priest-King - Psalm 110
3.0 - The Divine King - Isaiah 7-11
3.1 - The One Shepherd - Ezekiel 34:1-24
3.2 - The Ruler from Bethlehem - Micah 5:1-15
4.0 - The Humble King - Isaiah 52:13-53:12
While we can understand more fully the anticipation of those trusting God to provide, we can also experience that anticipation in the fact that there are promises yet to be fulfilled! Christ is reigning at God’s right hand and one day soon He will return to establish His kingdom of peace, justice, and righteousness. May we live as faithful subjects of that Good News today.
Merry Christmas!