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July 3, 2024

Dear Church of the Open Bible,

Last Sunday, Evrest, our fourteen-year-old, drove up to Edmonton for the first time. If you’re a little shocked, just imagine sitting in the passenger seat the whole way! But he did great, listened well, and gained important experience for down the road. Last Sunday, we were challenged to pursue godliness together by modeling and training those a little younger in the faith than us. This takes being intentional and moving over to the passenger seat so that others might gain important experience for down the road.

One way we seek to do this as a church is to invite students interested in church ministry to join us for a season. We were able to offer that to Ethan Jones in the summer of 2022. Today, he and Katie live in Winnipeg and are involved in church planting. This fall, we have the opportunity to invest again in a young person seeking ministry experience. Aiden Parschauer is 23 years old and entering his fourth year at Millar College of the Bible. He grew up in Warman, Saskatchewan, and currently attends our AGC church in Swift Current, also named Church of the Open Bible. The board has invited Aiden to serve as a pastoral intern with us from September 2024 through April 2025 in order to complete his degree requirements. We look forward to investing in Aiden as he grows with us. May this remind each of us to be intentional in pursuing and providing discipleship, as we trust Jesus together.   

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned. - Titus 2:7-8