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October 16, 2024

Dear Church of the Open Bible,

It might surprise you to know that I am not always excited to do some of the tasks set before me. In looking at my schedule, I can be prone to evaluate certain responsibilities according to my own priorities and selfishness. But more often than not, God rebukes me with kindness in these circumstances as I end up being ministered to more than others involved.  

I experienced this grace this past week as I led a chapel service in the Long Term Care unit of our Ponoka General Hospital. One of the patients, we’ll call her Susan, was overjoyed to be at the service that morning. “I’m so excited for church this morning!” she said as we got the song books ready. “Are we going to sing?!” she asked as we waited for others to get settled. Susan’s thankfulness and appreciation ministered to me over those thirty minutes and I left encouraged concerning God’s goodness.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.  - Psalm 136:1

It was a blessing this past Sunday to eat together and praise God for His goodness towards us as a church over the years. We were able to witness two families dedicate their newborns to the Lord! And we were also able to celebrate God’s faithfulness this season, in providing for our Sanctuary Expansion project. But what was most encouraging, was hearing testimonies from a number of people about His faithfulness in their lives over the years here at COB. That is what matters most. So let us be encouraged and thankful together!