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October 23, 2024

Dear Church of the Open Bible,

This past Monday, we celebrated God’s faithfulness in the 95 years of life lived by Dorine Streight. There were many smiles and tears in the stories told by friends and family. Two truths from Dorine’s life stood out to me. The first is the incredible security one finds in a relationship with the Lord. Dorine’s life was full of change when it came to family, jobs, ministry, and relationships, but throughout these, the Lord’s gracious presence in her life was such a strong refuge. This was most evident in the peace she experienced, and shared with others, in her final season of life.

But the second truth was the incredible joy one finds in a relationship with God. As I shared on Monday, one of my fondest memories of Dorine was when she asked us elders at the church to come and pray for her. She was deteriorating physically, with the fingers on her hand tightening up. I remember asking her what we could pray for specifically. She could’ve asked for healing so that she would be more comfortable, or so that she would have a better quality of life. Instead, she told me that she wanted to be able to play harmony on the piano with her left hand and for her voice to be able to sing again. She wanted to praise her Lord.

I have set the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure.  - Psalm 16:8-9

There is a joy and delight that only a relationship with God can bring. That can make us almost desperate to sing and play for Him. The refuge of His presence is not cold stone. Dorine is enjoying the fullness of that joy right now. Have you experienced the lasting security and joy a relationship with God brings? May we give thanks to Him for that today.