Dear Church of the Open Bible,
Have you ever experienced frustrating futility? The utter inability to bring about what you want in a given circumstance? I’m trying to freeze blocks of ice for a backyard project. This requires cold weather, which we are now getting. But for half of December and all of January, this was an experiment in futility. Not only could I not freeze blocks of ice, but slowly, day-by-day, I watched my existing blocks shrink in size. Now I don’t expect your sympathy (especially in desiring cold weather!), but I would at least hope for your empathy.
When it comes to spiritual receptivity and maturity in Christ, it doesn’t take us long to realize that we can do nothing apart from Him (Jn 15:5). And if that’s the case, we can either respond with despair by throwing up our hands at the futility of it all or we can respond with dependence by bending our knees in desperate prayer. How do you respond to futility?
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. - Colossians 4:2
You might have heard, this past Sunday, that the Board will be recommending that we pursue bringing on a second, full-time pastor to serve alongside me this coming year. And while this will be formally presented at our upcoming congregational meeting, we want to invite you to be steadfast in prayer with us. Making and equipping disciples of Jesus Christ is a futile venture apart from His power by His Spirit. So continue steadfastly in prayer. You can do this right now, in front of your phone or computer. And you can join us in this on Wednesday nights at 8pm at the church. But may God give us hearts eager to depend on Him in prayer.