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February 12, 2025

Dear Church of the Open Bible,

Nerf guns, mini sticks, Zelda, hockey cards, table-top games. What do all these have in common? At some point, each of these has been the overriding concern of my sons’ lives. These have been what they save up for, gifts they ask for, and goals they aim for during certain seasons of their lives. Until something else replaces it. Temporary goals. Passing purposes. These are fine for children as they learn what matters and what lasts. But what about us?

After exhorting the Colossians to be steadfast in prayer, Paul presents the goal and purpose they should be concerned with.

At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ… - Colossians 4:3

Declaring the mystery of Christ, the gospel now available to the Gentiles, is the overriding concern of Paul’s life (1:26-27), and it should be ours as well. Praying for doors to open in our everyday lives, “for the word” to be proclaimed. Paul goes on to challenge the Colossians to make “the best use of their time” (4:5) when it comes to this purpose. Be clear, be wise, always speak graciously, and speak differently as a follower of Christ. I don’t know about you, but this causes me to fall back on the Lord in prayer. But there is no more worthy goal. There is no better purpose. Let’s pray for God to open doors in our lives for the Word, and for us to step through those doors in faith.